1:15 - 2:15 PM - Breakout Session 3
Choose from one of the following sessions: 

Session Descriptions

Transportation: Creative Ways to Resolve Transportation Claims Prior to Trial

Since almost all transportation cases settle prior to trial, early resolution strategies are key to

optimum outcomes. This interactive session will identify creative ways to resolve transportation
claims, including pre-suit informal mediations, proactively providing dash-cam video to
Plaintiff’s attorney, and making a defense offer without waiting for a Plaintiff demand. In
addition to discussing alternative approaches, we will provide a checklist for claims
professionals to consider when selecting a mediator and determining timing of the mediation.


Lori Jolly, Complex Case Unit Team Manager - Canal Insurance
James Foster, Partner - Cassiday Schade LLP
Laura Merkel, Senior Field Claim Representative - Acuity Insurance
Joseph Panatera, Partner - Cassiday Schade LLP                                                               

General Litigation: Dollars & Discourse: Third Party Litigation Funding and Mass Tort Litigation


Explore the world of third-party litigation funding (TPLF) and its effects on mass tort litigation.
This discussion will provide insights into what we know about TPLF, take a deep dive into
examples of how TPLF feeds the mass tort machine, look at the broader effects of TPLF on
mass torts and issue a call to action.



Rebecca Fozo, AVP/Senior Consultant Claims Judicial & Legislative Affairs - Zurich North
William Lynch, SVP & Chief State & Local Public Affairs Officer - Liberty Mutual