2:30 - 3:30 PM - Breakout Session 3
Choose from one of the following sessions: 

Are Insurance Carriers Insane?
You and AI:  Analyzing Rewards and Risks OF AI
Safetyism:  The US Fixation on Living Risk-Free
Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry - Peril vs. Potential

Session Descriptions

Are Insurance Carriers Insane?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Yet some insurance companies do the same thing repeatedly, expect different results, and blame their policyholders for the insanity. We will look at examples of the carriers insanity, discuss common disagreements amongst carriers and the policyholders, and identify means to stop the insanity! Our panel will include a carrier representative to provide counterpoint and - perhaps - their own definition.


Joe Kearney, Director/Claims Advocate, National Property Claims, Willis Towers Watson 


You and AI:  Analyzing Rewards and Risks OF AI


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way employers conduct business – enhancing employee efficiency and improving existing processes through the power of machine learning.  However, the integration of AI into the workplace has generated well-founded concerns about privacy, discriminatory personnel decisions, and deceptive business practices.  This presentation provides an in-depth look at AI’s evolving role in the workplace and covers the most recent legislation governing its use.  We identify major legal pitfalls surrounding the implementation of AI and suggest best practices for employers to mitigate claims arising from its use. 

Diana Shafter Gliedman, Shareholder/Attorney, Anderson Kill PC        
Kathryn Hatfield, Attorney/Principal, Hatfield Schwartz     

Safetyism:  The US Fixation on Living Risk-Free

Safetyism" - people's belief that they should be absolutely free from the risk of harm or discomfort. An increasing number of jurors with this belief feel that their jury verdict will somehow serve the greater good. When combined with the public’s growing sense of skepticism and distrust of businesses, safetyism can manifest itself in their deliberations. Too often these beliefs result in aberration verdicts. We will offer an evidentiary-based approach to identify safetyism concerns in claims and how safetyism manifests pre-suit, in litigation and post-trial. We will discuss how to combat safetyism and win jurors over.


Margo Meta, Claims Legal Counsel, Grange Insurance Company
Jill LeiboldPh.D.,  Senior Jury Consulting Advisor, IMS Legal Strategies, Juty Consultant      
Tanya Park, Claims Manager-Healthcare Professional LinesMRSI  
Anthony Renaldo, Partner, Chartwell Law                                                                                                                                                                      

Artificial Intelligence in the Insurance Industry - Peril vs. Potential

A facilitated roundtable discussion of the integration of various models of Artificial Intelligence into the insurance industry and opportunities to harness its potential, dispel fears, and harness potential effects on technology and workforce.

Dwayne Hermes, CEO, Founder, ClaimDeck and Hermes Law