10:30 - 11:30 AM - Breakout Session 2 Choose from one of the following sessions:
Artificial Intelligence: There's More Than Meets the Eye When It Comes to AI - Using Digital Forensics to Verify Content, Identify Fraud, Expedite Claims Resolution, and Reduce Claims Cost Workers' Compensation: Perspectives on Employee Advocacy in the Current Employment General Liability: Defense Tactics that Work - Part 2: Stop Wine-ing and Do Something. It’s Time to Rethink Our Approach to Litigation.
Session Descriptions
There's More Than Meets the Eye When It Comes to AI - Using Digital Forensics to Verify Content, Identify Fraud, Expedite Claims Resolution, and Reduce Claims Cost
As we present two hypothetical claims using both genuine photos and materials and others created or altered by AI, see whether you are spotting the differences between genuine and artificially created photos, documents, and audio. We’ll discuss some of the consumer accessible tools in the market that may be used to perpetrate fraudulent claims and offer advice on how you can alter your approach to investigations to consider these new technologies.
Speaker: Mark Rose, Partner, Roig Lawyers
Perspectives on Employee Advocacy in the Current Employment
As employers face increasing challenges related to hiring and retention, employee support and advocacy has become one of the most critical strategies for operational success. This panel of TPA Account Executives and their employer clients will discuss how they’ve incorporated employee advocacy initiatives into their workers’ compensation programs to support their organizational efforts. From language transformation to meaningful communications and self-service tools, you’ll learn actionable ways to improve the Injured Worker experience.
Speakers: Bethany Spivey, Senior Account Executive, Helmsman Management Services Ernesto Macias, Vice President of Risk Management, Labor Relations, West Coast Arborists
Defense Tactics that Work - Part 2: Stop Wine-ing and Do Something. It’s Time to Rethink Our Approach to Litigation.
Join this detailed discussion of the current liability claims and litigation climate, plaintiffs’ use of psychological warfare to drive values, and specific solutions for combating the assault. Learn how to define the role of every member of the defense team in building a deliberate mediation and resolution strategy. Understand the importance of identifying and committing to a defense value assessment and the critical role of Damages Counsel in reducing damages claims. You’ll walk away with information you can use immediately to counter some of your thorniest claims and litigation issues.
Speakers: Jeffrey Coyle, VP, US Healthcare Claims Officer, Sompo International Erica Krobot, Vice President, Claims, Mutual Insurance Company of Arizona Ben Flattery, Complex Claims Examiner, TransRe Thomas Geroulo, Partner, BBC Law LLP